April 12th, 2019 by Allie Bennett, Marketing and Communications Manager
Hey members! Did you know that there are tons of ways to stay updated on what’s happening at MEC? We know our members are all different and prefer to get their information different ways, so we try to use a variety of ways to connect with you!
Here are some of the ways that you can stay connected:
Having an updated e-mail address is very important for MEC membership! We send out information via e-mail regularly and it is also an important way to have the ability to exercise your right to vote on directors and By-law amendments for our Annual Meeting! MEC is hosting an e-mail update drawing now through June 30, 2019. Update your email address here and be entered to win a $100 energy credit!
Social Media
Follow our social media pages on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to receive daily updates on our programs and activities. We also have a YouTube channel where you can check out videos covering anything from energy efficiency to electrical safety.
MEC’s robust website has all the information you need regarding membership, bill-pay options, MEC programs, electrical safety and efficiency information, and more!
Rural Missouri Magazine
Members of Macon Electric Cooperative receive the Rural Missouri magazine each month. Rural Missouri is a statewide cooperative magazine that is published by the Association of Missouri Electric Cooperatives. The center pages of each edition are MEC specific and are created in an effort to keep our membership informed about rates, products, services, events and other helpful information.
MEC’s helpful account management tool, SmartHub offers a powerful experience to manage and update your account, as well as receive notifications from the co-op! Visit our website to learn more!
Monthly Bill
If you opt to receive a paper bill each month, you can check the bill message to receive updates from us! Occasionally you’ll find a bill stuffer with information about programs, safety, and more!
Stop by the Office
Our office is your office! Stop by any time to ask questions, learn about what we’re up to, or just chat! Our office hours are Monday-Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
As you can see, we want you to know everything there is to know about your cooperative membership! These are just some of the ways that we reach out to you. As cooperative members, you are more than just customers, you are OWNERS! Our co-op is your co-op! So, stay connected with us in as many ways as you can and if you still have questions, please give us a call at (660) 385-3157.