Before you call to report an outage, check your main breaker at the house and look to see if your neighbors have power. If you have a security light, check to see if it is still on.
Then, call 660-385-3157 and press option 1. When you call, please be prepared to provide the following information: The name, telephone number, and address listed on the account.
If you are not sure what phone number you have on file with MEC – check in the upper right hand corner of your electric bill. You can expedite the process of reporting an outage if you make the call from the phone number we have listed on your account, otherwise, have that phone number on hand, if possible.
You can also report an outage through our SmartHub app (web or mobile). When you log-in to the app, click 'Report an Issue', then 'Power Outage', and then follow the prompts to complete the report. Learn more about SmartHub.
Macon Electric Cooperative works diligently to make sure your electricity is there when you need it. But like all things, nothing is 100 percent guaranteed.
Outages or voltage issues—whether triggered by a storm, lightning, trees, equipment failure, animals, or vehicles hitting power poles—can damage computer equipment, TVs, and other appliances in your home. If an outage occurs due to an act that is out of Macon Electric Cooperative’s control (such as those events mentioned in the previous sentence), we do not compensate for any damaged equipment.
However, most homeowner’s and business insurance policies cover losses from interruptions caused by lightning, windstorms, and other sources. Make sure you’re familiar with your policy and what is covered. Call your agent if you’re not sure about your specific coverage.
You can help protect your own equipment by unplugging it during a power outage and by installing surge protection.
If you or someone in your household is on life support equipment or have other medical needs requiring electricity, please be prepared and have a backup plan in place in case of an extended outage. MEC has no way to control the duration of some outages, so we strongly recommend you make preparations in case of an extended outage.
To report an outage, contact MEC at (660) 385-3157 or (800) 553-6901.