Macon Electric Co-op Building

August 20th, 2018 by Mary Allspach, Office Manager 

As a new member, are you interested in avoiding paying a security deposit, any late fees, and a monthly bill?

As a current member, are you interested in having your existing deposit refunded to your account and avoiding any late fees, as well as your monthly bill?

If any of this sounds exciting to you, Prepaid Billing may be the option for you!

MEC recently implemented this new billing/payment option for our residential accounts.

Prepaid Billing can be very beneficial to our members. Because you pay for the electricity in advance, Prepaid does not require a deposit and there are no late fees. In addition, most members become more in-tune with their electric usage. In turn, this can decrease your usage - on average, around 10 percent!

With Prepaid, you pay for electricity how and when you choose. Purchasing electricity before you use it allows you to control your budget and pay how much you want, when you want. Your usage and balance or credit are calculated daily. If your account runs out of credit, it will be subject to disconnection and reconnected when a credit is re-established.  Daily alerts are sent by text or email, keeping you up-to-date on your usage and remaining credit.

Would it be easier for you to make smaller daily, weekly or biweekly payments, rather than one large payment each month? Prepaid is an option which allows you to pay as your schedule and budget permit. With Prepaid, there are no late fees, because you are never behind on your electric bill.

If this sounds like an option you might be interested in, please contact our office at (660) 385-3157, or stop in and visit with us. We would be happy to set your account up on Prepaid! Visit our website at https://www.maconelectric.com/prepaid to learn more about this new, optional payment method!